Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Home MenuIntegrated Regional Water Management
The purpose of an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) is to develop a vision and direction for the sustainable management of local water resources in local regions throughout California for a 20-year planning horizon. A major goal of the IRWMP program is to reduce dependence on imported water and, thereby, increase the sustainability and dependability of local water supplies. Major features of the integrated regional water management approach are to foster cooperation and collaboration across institutional boundaries, and to seek multiple benefits when funding projects in order to achieve the greatest benefits for the region. For instance, projects that provide both water supply and water quality benefits are considered “multiple benefit” projects, and recycled water projects provide a locally-produced, drought-proof and climate-resilient water supply. As a major supplier of recycled water throughout our service area, the Sanitation Districts are members of the Regional Water Management Groups for three IRWMP regions: Greater Los Angeles County, Upper Santa Clara River, and Antelope Valley. Click on the links below for more information on each of the IRWMP regions.